Mental Health Awareness: Can Your Dog Improve Your Mental Health?

Mental Health Awareness: Can Your Dog Improve Your Mental Health?

Fur babies are more than just cute and cuddly. Did you know your dog can potentially help your mental health? It’s true! Your dog may help to promote calm and release stress, and they may even help to improve your overall well-being.* Wondering why? Keep reading to find out. 

Mood-Boosting Benefits of Your Pup:

- Studies suggest your pooch can help reduce anxiety, stress and depression. In a survey of pet owners, about 74% said they noticed an improvement in their overall mental health, and 75% reported they noticed a friend or family member’s mental health improving because of the furry friend in their lives.*

    - Feeling isolated and lonely? Your pup might be able to help with that! Studies suggest your dog can help ease loneliness and feeling of isolation. When you see, touch, hear, or talk to your loyal companion, it may bring a sense of goodwill, nurturing, and happiness.*

      - Your dog can help encourage new friendships to form. If you need a little more human interaction in your day-to-day, you can take your pup out for a walk or to the dog park and spark up a conversation with a neighbor or fellow dog lover. Your dog can be a helpful facilitator in getting to know new people.*

        - Your dog can help encourage exercise and physical activity. If you notice you’re outside more than usual because Fido has to go potty, needs to get the zoomies out, or even just for some fresh air (we’re looking at you, you chill, laid-back doggos out there), this might improve your overall mood, your sleep, and your mental health. Everyone knows exercise is imperative for good health, and your pup is there to get you moving!*

          - Do you sleep with your furry friend by your side? If you cozy up to your dog like a big, squishy teddy bear, studies have shown that snoozing with your four-legged pal can provide security and comfort, plus foster an emotional connection that may improve cortisol, heart rate, and blood pressure. So, snooze on, snuggle buddies.* 

            - If you and your pup are a duo of old birds, we have some good news for you. In a survey on aging healthily, adults over 50 reported less stress, a better sense of purpose, and more social connection because of their pets.* 

              - If you undergo work-related stress, like the 40% of employees who say their job negatively affects their health, try asking your boss for a bring-your-dog-to-work day. Studies show that pets in the workplace can improve stress levels and even promote employee satisfaction.* Wagging tails does sound like the perfect medicine for those work day blues. 

                - Is work still bringing you down? You can also mention to your boss how pets may help promote productivity in the workplace. After a workplace trial involving fluffy pooches and virtual meetings, group members ranked their teammates higher on trust, team cohesion, and camaraderie.* No one can resist a smiling pupper face, it seems. 

                  Dogs Working Hard for Their Humans

                  Service Dogs

                  These incredible dogs are extensively trained animals instructed to offer assistance to disabled people. They can perform tasks like guiding a visually impaired person, alerting a hard of hearing person, pulling a wheelchair, protecting a person having a seizure, and so much more. The federal ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) allows service dogs and handlers access to public spaces. Service dogs can be adopted, already trained and ready to go, or raised and trained by their handler. Service dog evaluation and certification is much more extensive and thorough than therapy or ESA certifications.* 

                  Therapy Dogs

                  These dogs are trained pups capable of providing comfort and affection to the elderly in retirement homes, patients in hospice or hospitals, students in schools, survivors in disaster areas, and more. Therapy dogs require an evaluation and certification, along with an amiable, sociable temperament. ESAs, comfort animals, or therapy dogs are not service animals under Title II and Title III of the ADA.* 

                  Emotional Support Dogs

                  ESAs are loyal companions that can help their owners process difficult emotions and feelings, and are usually not trained. They require a letter from a licensed therapist. According to Fair Housing laws, ESAs are recognized as assistance animals, therefore granting them the right to live with their human, who may experience depression, anxiety, PTSD, or other disability, as a “reasonable accommodation.” This rule is typically applied when an ESAs’ human is traveling on  a plane or living in a building that might have a ‘no pet policy.’ ESAs are not limited to just dogs, either, like service animals are.* 

                  Our Emotional Bond to Our Pets

                  You love your fur baby, and you feel like you understand them. Did you know there is actually a science to this bond? 

                  A 2017 Finnish study found that empathetic, sensitive humans are more likely to interpret the facial expressions of dogs, also implying that humans perceive human and dog facial expression in a similar way.*

                  Plus, we have long history together - the canine and the human.

                  We even share some of the same genetic characteristics. It is estimated that the domestication of dogs began almost 32,000 years ago, and over time we developed similar genetic markers for diet, neural processing, and disease.* We’re closer than you might think! 

                  So, it’s no wonder our dogs have a profound effect on us emotionally and mentally. They are, after all, man’s best friend. 

                  How has your dog helped your overall well-being? 

                  Treat your pup! Click here to try out some new treats your dog is sure to love. 

                  We've gone ahead and enclosed a 10% OFF Coupon below for you to use in the store - remember, your puppy DESERVES to have the healthiest life! Click here to start shopping!


                  Shubert, J. (2012). Dogs and human health/mental health: from the pleasure of their company to the benefits of their assistance. Gale Academic Online. Retrieved from

                  Shintani, M., Senda, M., Takayanagi, T., Katayama, Y., Furusawa, K., Okutani, T., Kataoka, M., & Ozaki, T. (2010, April 1). The effect of service dogs on the improvement of health-related quality of life. OKAYAMA UNIVERSITY SCIENTIFIC ACHIEVEMENT REPOSITORY. Retrieved from 

                  Muramatsu, R. S., Thomas, K. J., Leong, S. L., Ragukonis, F., N, W., RP, H., H, D. S., Al., E., SL, D., J, E., L, B., R, Y., & DA, R. (2015, January 2). Service dogs, psychiatric hospitalization, and the ada. Psychiatric Services. Retrieved from 

                  Adams, T., Clark, C., Crowell, V., Duffy, K., Green, M., McEwen, S., Wrape, A., & Hammonds, F. (n.d.). The mental health benefits of having dogs on college campuses. UTC Scholar. Retrieved from 

                  Gee, N. R., Rodriguez, K. E., Fine, A. H., & Trammell, J. P. (2021, March 30). Dogs supporting human health and well-being: A biopsychosocial approach. Frontiers in veterinary science. Retrieved from 

                  Kujala, M. V., Somppi, S., Jokela, M., Vainio, O., & Parkkonen, L. (n.d.). Human empathy, personality and experience affect the emotion ratings of dog and human facial expressions. PLOS ONE. Retrieved from 

                  Pietrangelo, A. (2020, October 13). Sleeping with dogs: Benefits for your health, risks, and precautions. Healthline. Retrieved from 

                  Lee, J. J. (2013, May 14). Dog and human genomes evolved together - animals. Dog and Human Genomes Evolved Together. Retrieved from 

                  5 ways pets help with stress and mental health. (2021, October 28). Retrieved from's%20no%20secret%20that%20pets,likely%20to%20develop%20heart%20disease

                  Feldman, S. (n.d.). For better mental health, experience the pet effect. Mental Health America. Retrieved from